List of Available Storages

jIO saves his job queue in a workspace which is localStorage by default. Provided storage descriptions are also stored, and it can be dangerous to store passwords.

The best way to create a storage description is to use the (often) provided tool given by the storage library. The returned description is secured to avoid cleartext, readable passwords (as opposed to encrypted passwords for instance).

When building storage trees, there is no limit on the number of storages you can use. The only thing you have to be aware of is compatibility of simple and revision based storages.



This storage has only one document, so post, put, remove and get method are useless on it.

parameter required? type description
type yes string name of the storage type (here: “local”)
sessiononly no boolean
false: create a storage with unlimited duration.
true: the storage duration is limited to the user session.
(default to false)


var jio = jIO.createJIO({
  type:        "local",
  sessiononly: true


Stores the data in a Javascript object, in memory.
The storage’s data isn’t saved when your web page is closed or reloaded.
The storage doesn’t take any argument at creation.


var jio = jIO.createJIO({type: "memory"});


parameter required? type description
type yes string name of the storage type (here: “indexeddb”)
database yes string name of the database.


  "type":     "indexeddb",
  "database": "mydb"


parameter required? type description
type yes string name of the storage type (here: “websql”)
database yes string name of the database.


  "type":     "websql",
  "database": "mydb"


parameter required? type description
type yes string name of the storage type (here: “dav”)
url yes string url of your webdav server
basic_login no string
login and password of your dav, base64 encoded like this:
btoa(username + ":" + password)
with_credentials no boolean
true: send domain cookie
false: do not send domain cookie
default to false.


// No authentication
  "type": "dav",
  "url":  url

// Basic authentication
  "type":        "dav",
  "url":         url,
  "basic_login": btoa(username + ":" + password)

// Digest authentication is not implemented

Be careful: The generated description never contains a readable password, but for basic authentication, the password is just base64 encoded.


parameter required? type description
type yes string name of the storage type (here: “dropbox”)
access_token yes string access token for your account. See specific documentation on how to retreive it.
root no string
“dropbox” for full access to account files,
“sandbox” for app limited file access.
default to “dropbox”.


  "type":         "dropbox",
  "access_token": "sample_token"
  "root":         "dropbox"

Google Drive

parameter required? type description
type yes string name of the storage type (here: “gdrive”)
access_token yes string access token for your account. See specific documentation on how to retreive it.
trashing no boolean
true: sends files to the trash bin when doing a “remove”
false: deletes permanently files when doing a “remove”
default to true.


  "type":         "gdrive",
  "access_token": "sample_token"
  "trashing":     true


parameter required? type description
type yes string name of the storage type (here: “erp5”)
url yes string url of your erp5 account.
default_view_reference no string
reference of the action used
for the delivering of the document


  "type": "erp5",
  "url":  erp5_url



This handler compresses and decompresses files to reduce network and storage usage.


  "type":        "zip",
  "sub_storage": <your storage>


This handler provides a post method that creates a document that has for name the SHA-1 hash of his parameters.

  "type":        "sha",
  "sub_storage": <your storage>


This handler provides a post method to create a document that has a unique ID for name.

  "type":        "uuid",
  "sub_storage": <your storage>


This handler provides an allDocs method with queries support to the substorage.

  "type":        "query",
  "sub_storage": <your storage>


This handler encrypts and decrypts attachments before storing them.
You need to generate a Crypto key at the JSON format to use the handler.


var key,

//creation of an encryption/decryption key.

crypto.subtle.generateKey({name: "AES-GCM",length: 256},
                          (true), ["encrypt", "decrypt"])
.then(function(res){key = res;});
window.crypto.subtle.exportKey("jwk", key)
.then(function(res){jsonKey = res})

//creation of the storage

jio = jIO.createJIO({
  "type":        "crypt",
  "key":         json_key
  "sub_storage": <your storage>


This handler takes in argument an array of storages. When using a method, UnionStorage tries it on the first storage of the array, and, in case of failure, tries with the next storage, and repeats the operation until success, or end of storage’s array.

  "type":        "union",
  "storage_list": [


This handler adds an abstraction level on top of the webDav Jio storage, ensuring each document has only one attachment, and limiting the storage to one repertory.

  "type": "drivetojiomapping",
  "sub_storage": <your dav storage>

Document Storage

This handler creates a storage from a document in a storage, by filling his attachments with a new jIO storage.

parameter required? type description
type yes string name of the storage type (here: “document”)
document_id no string id of the document to use.
repair_attachment no boolean verify if the document is in good state. (default to false)

Replicate Storage

Replicate Storage synchronizes documents between a local and a remote storage.

parameter required? type description
type yes string name of the storage type (here: “replicate”)
local_sub_storage yes object local sub_storage description.
remote_sub_storage yes object remote sub_storage description.
query_options no object query object to limit the synchronisation to specific files.
use_remote_post no boolean
true: at file modification, modifies the local file id.
false: at file modification, modifies the remote file id.
default to false.
conflict_handling no number
0: no conflict resolution (throws error)
1: keep the local state.
2: keep the remote state.
3: keep both states (no signature update)
default to 0.
check_local_modification no boolean synchronise when local files are modified.
check_local_creation no boolean synchronise when local files are created.
check_local_deletion no boolean synchronise when local files are deleted.
check_remote_modification no boolean synchronise when remote files are modified.
check_remote_creation no boolean synchronise when local files are created.
check_remote_deletion no boolean synchronise when local files are deleted.

synchronisation parameters are set by default to true.

  type:                     'replicate',
  local_sub_storage:        { 'type': 'local'}
  remote_sub_storage:       {
                               'type':        'dav',
                               'url':         '',
                               'basic_login': 'aGFwcHkgZWFzdGVy'
  use_remote_post:          false,
  conflict_handling :       2,
  check_local_creation:     false,
  check_remote_deletion:    false